Elements of CNA School Business Plan

CNA’S or Certified Nursing Assistants are professionals who assist the nursing staff of a medical or nursing facility with basic patient care activities. Given the economic scenario in the US, with rising demand for service professionals, the demand for training schools for CNA’s is on the rise. 

The launching of CNA preparatory School is necessitated for effective preparation of applicants for state conducted exams which have to be passed for obtaining a license of a CNA. As such, the CNA School Business Plan must be prepared carefully.

CNA School Business Plan

Major objectives

Following are the major targets of the CNA school:

  • To provide students with an idea of the field of health care that benefits from nursing assistants
  • To initiate basic skills needed to obtain a license
  • To offer students specific expertise in limited areas for application for becoming dedicated professionals.
  • To provide for students, guidelines which are necessary to comply with state and national laws for gaining access to positions for nursing assistants in health care organizations.
  • To enable the chances to continue education and gain new skills after finishing the initial program.

Mission of CNA School

The CNA school is inspired by the mission to offer educational activities which concentrate on both practical skills and theoretical knowledge. These would provide students with an idea of their responsibilities and duties to offer health care of high quality.

The importance of proper training is recognized by the school, which helps develop professional expertise and also personal qualities like ethical values, dignity, self-confidence etc. Thus, the school’s mission includes the personal development of students.

Keys to success

Students aspiring to be CNA’s will find numerous opportunities for colleges and nursing schools offering the program. Suppose one wish to set the CNA school apart from its competition. In that case, one must prepare a CNA School Business Plan considering the following factors which will impact its success and popularity:

  • The school will possess certification by state and provide its students with certified curriculum adhering to all standards.
  • The school will offer comprehensive and clear programs. It will not confuse students with numerous titles for nursing assistants. The focus will be on quality rather than variety.
  • It will provide the chance to gain practical experience by helping patients in different settings such as nursing homes, hospitals, daycare centres, home-based services etc.
  • The school will promote research projects which will be aimed at tracking dynamics of the condition of patients and arrive at theoretical implications of any changes.
  • It will train students to offer care and supervise treatment. It will also provide them practical skills that will be useful for their direct functions like helping patients in making beds, bathing, wearing clothes and tidying their premises as well as monitoring vital life signs like blood pressure, pulse etc.
  • There will be interchanging of theoretical classes with practical tasks such that students learn to see connections between theory and practice.
  • Classes will be offered in the introduction to healthcare and also, patient safety, psychology, nutrition, intensive treatment etc.
  • The program duration will be flexible such that students can tweak the duration of training in settings of clinics or hospitals.
  • All students are prepared well to pass the needed exam of the state.

Published by The Secret Cocktail

We help you get your CNA school started. From business plans and curriculums, to skills check offs and student procedure/ policy manuals, we help you develop what you need to be successful.

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